Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The very bad day

There are some days when one should have just stayed in bed, and this was one of them. When one's wallet has gone missing before one has headed out the door, it's not a good omen. But head out the door I had to, since tutoring called, and the very kind bus driver gave me an all day pass so I could get around. Logic helped in this case, fortunately, and I deduced that I must have left it on the bus the previous day. I could not reach a live person at the bus lost and found, so after a quick check with the bank to make sure accounts had not been accessed, spent an extra two hrs going there in person. Fortunately that paid off, and I was reunited with it, with everything intact. Got home late, but at least I had my wallet back, and I had a granola bar to tide me over till I could actually eat lunch.
Unfortunately, coming home meant more bad news. I had been warned that my grandfather was in the hospital, and not doing well, so even though it wasn't a shock this time, it was nevertheless hard to lose him. I find that that I have no words to describe the emotions, only tears.
Times like this, I'm glad I have some leftovers in the fridge. I fully had the intention of doing some cooking tonight.but between everything that's was sort of all I could do to shove some food down. Dinner was the plate of lychee above, and some corn. (It's a very sweet fruit, and hard to get fresh in the US, but something I had grown up on as a child. Our next door neighbour had a lychee tree.) Oh, and ice cream. I figured the chocolate had to help.

Good bye, Grandfather and Grandmother, you know I love you both.


At 11/8/11 05:36, Blogger ~~louise~~ said...

So sorry to hear of your bad news, Chia. Thank goodness you got your wallet back though.

Thanks for following my blog. Be sure and get some nourishment:)


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