Sunday, November 06, 2005

Computers and presentations

This has been a long week of finishing up the projects and presentations from all the different cultures. I'm relieved that they're done, I must say. I need better glasses to read the tiny print! As for my plate diagrams, I am not much of an artist, so I muddled through that part. We'll see how this turns out. It was so nice to go to bed early and sleep in past 9 yesterday.
We did, however, talk about some other interesting things, such as stuff about the different terms used to label food. Oddly enough, last night there was something on TV, or maybe it was Friday, that one of the news programs had a bit on about how the megacorps are trying to get in on the organic business. Also, people are trying to relax the rules on what organic can mean. Must tell the instructor about this.
We also got to talk to purveyors, which is rather a learning experience. On Monday we visited a local one, in the pouring Portland rain. Discovered yet another cheese that I did not care for so much. Wow that stuff was strong. I think it had a numbing effect on our collective tongues. Would have been nice to have crackers with them. Still, I'm impressed by that place.
Maybe I'm just overall impressionable? But I enjoyed the visit from one of the Broadliners. Must remember in the future that those are the kind of people I want to work with. They definitely are great representatives for their company. By the same token, I want to be like them.
My next class is the one I'm scared about - Chef Dianne. Not that she's a bad teacher, but that she's definitely demanding. I hope I can live up to her standards.


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