Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Egg day - splat!

Today we did a couple more cooking methods, and then got our first taste in the kitchen. Pan frying and deep frying and also roasting. We were divided up into two groups, and my side got to try our hand at eggs. I found out that I am not very good at flipping eggs. But I tried an experiment at home for dinner, and gained an insight. It could have been something as simple as the fact that at the height I had the pan, I could not get proper leverage. When I was able to put the pan lower, things went better. I actually managed to flip my eggs for dinner tonight without breaking the yolk. Will have to see if I can do that at school tomorrow morning. I really felt bad about wasting so many eggs today. But I still need to get some signed off. I don't know why, but even my poached eggs didn't cooperate today. Normally I don't have that much trouble. I think that maybe I had the water too hot. Also, I probably need a different spoon to get the egg out. I don't know if I'll be able to do the hollandaise tomorrow, but I'd sure like to get it signed off soon. The other girl in my group managed to finish off all her eggs today, and I think she also did the sauce after class.
I think I'll have better luck with the potatoes and risotto tomorrow. I sure hope so. Yikes. Good thing I never had delusions of grandeur of my cooking skills. I need tons and tons of practice.


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