Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Good heavens, time flies

Time sure goes fast when you're in lab all the time, or at school. Today we talked about vegetables and spices. We also had some good food to eat. Yesterday I spent the lab time making a quinoa stew. For the last two days we've had to work in a different kitchen because the international kitchen was being used for something else. We were in chef Diane's kitchen, and she's nice, but definitely a no nonsense sort of chef. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from her class when I get to it, but I am also scared of her. Of course, I think as long as one follows her guidelines and does what she says to be done, there shouldn't be a problem.
I think one of the days it was being used for a black box, and the next it was being used for a competition between the Murrays. (Chef Dean won.) The black box is something that we have to get through before we go on our externships. Chef Ron came from the other building to judge.
I though my quinoa was a bit salty, but people still seemed to eat it this morning.
Yesterday we had the switchel I made on Monday lab, and that was very nice. It took longer than I'd have liked because again I was working in an unfamiliar kitchen.
With all the time I've been spending, however, by the time I have to take the classes that use those kitchens, I should be fairly good at finding my way around. So I'm not going to be too upset at spending this time now.
During lab today I was hoping to get a shrimp stir-fry made, but again, it took time to find stuff, since I was back in the international kitchen. At least I got all the prep work done, and the rest of it is easy to put together.


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