Monday, July 25, 2005

practice day

Today we had some 'down time', so to speak, in that we were able to just catch up on some stuff without doing anything else new classwise. Of course, tomorrow is back to the regular cooking routine. I had enough time to make two sauces, and even if I say so myself, they were pretty good. So far all 4 of my sauces have recieved full marks. On the other hand, I just could not do a good job with precision cooking today, so I just decided to leave it till after class. Or maybe I can do it before class tomorrow. We should have plenty of time.
I also spent two afternoons hemming pants over the weekend, but at least now they are done. I hope I can get the tomato stains out of my jacket tonight.
Tomorrow my group gets to play with pasta, and somebody else is cooking rabbit.


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