Tuesday, August 23, 2005

American regional cuisine and herbs

Yesterday we spent the day talking about the different kinds cuisines that can be found in the United States. I've had the chance to try some of these things, and usually try to keep an open mind, but I have to wonder why one would want to eat food that looks burnt. We got to try different kinds of cheeses and meats. Now, I'm a cheese lover, but I have to say that I found one particularly challenging. I don't think I'll be spending any hard earned money on that stuff. We also reviewed the test we had last Friday. Suffice it to say that so far my grade is not in any danger.
Today we had the chance to look and smell herbs. I took lots of pictures. We really need scratch and sniff pictures! We also got to eat them in quesadillas for breakfast. I have to say this class is weird in the stuff I get to eat in the morning. Of course, eventually I have to take a bar and beverage class. I wonder about the wine tastings.
Talked to a couple of other chefs today. I'm joining the blue chippers, and I also asked about things I can do after graduation. Never too early to start thinking about such things. Maybe I should quit my job tutoring math and find a job doing something culinarily related?


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