Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Dreaded Tourne

This morning we had a demonstration of the different cuts in class, and I have to say that I had a very hard time with the tourne potato when it was our turn. For a first effort, however, it wasn't all that bad, and I can only improve with more practice, right??? At least so far I managed not to cut myself doing it. There were several people sporting various cuts afte today. I almost cut myself.
We also went over the Espagnole and tomato sauces today. Yum! This afternoon after tutoring I stopped at Williams-Sonoma on the way home, and bought myself a food mill. Now I can also make Duchesse potatoes. I don't know if mom is going to appreciate the stuff that I make though. It sounds too involved for her. The thing is, it's not that she's a bad cook. She's actually rather good. It's just that she'd rather not go through as much trouble at this point.
We had some really bacon and sausages and French baguette today. Appropriate, since it's Bastille day today.


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