Friday, July 22, 2005

Is it really the end of week 4 already?

Last night I'd hoped to be able to make the potato gratin today, but since our sous chef insisted on making his own dish, I ended up making some rice, after I finished chopping some of the vegetables and getting the tomato done. I made too much rice though, unfortunately. I brought it home, since nobody else wanted it, but I actually think it was pretty good. Well, OK, I don't really like the kind of long grain rice we have at school, but for all intents and purposes I think I did an OK job with it for not using any kind of recipes at all. But I used saffron, peas, onions, garlic and green onions. Our recipe dishes turned out not too badly, though I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I'm not so fond of fricasses and blanquettes. All that sauce... We had really good green beans today too from the veg group.
After everything was cleaned up and everyone left some of us actually stayed behind to do some other stuff. This was the first chance I had to stay. I got my bechamel sauce done, and got another 3 on it too. :-) I had to say that somehow with several of us standing there stirring sauces it felt like I was in a Harry Potter story in the potions class. That was funny.
I got home around 2:30 today with a ton of food, and did a bit of work around the garden, and then bought some more veggies to practice cutting with. I finally managed to turn out some half decent tournes tonight after dinner. I am also thrilled that I am able to estimate the lengths pretty well for the potato cuts we have to do. Yay! Carrots and the other stuff tomorrow. Got to work on cutting straight too. I can't believe there's only two weeks of it left. Today Chef Dennis gave us a very serious talk before he left us. It's been interesting having him around this week. I still think he needs to relax, but he does take this seriously, and that's a good thing. All in all he is probably a nice person with a good sense of humour. But as with all teachers, he is proud of what he does and wants us to learn. He's also right - in this business we do have the ability to kill people. (Good thing we're not doing fugu, eh?) It certainly won't be all fun and games when we all get to the main campus in two weeks.


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