Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Our first day in the kitchen

For our first day of food production, we had an excellent day. Friday last week and yesterday we finished up our lectures on cooking methods, and also saw a couple more sauces demoed, as well as a pasta demo. We also did more knife cuts on Friday, which amazingly I did quite well on compared to what happened on Thurday. My orange segments were very good, and they are actually consistently good, since I've now done 3 of them between then and today. Tomato concassee was even a success. All I can say is that after the tourne fiasco of the previous day, I really need that to go into the rest of the weekend.
It was my group's turn to do knife practices today, and I think we did a fairly good job of setting up. The kid I thought was a bit annoying is getting along a bit better. I've now learned to treat him just as a kid, and not worry too much about him being impatient, as long as I have the patience to do what I have to get done. I think things will go OK.
I had the right idea about my knife board today. I did the rest of the stuff fairly well, and left the tournes to do until the very end. I did well enough on the rest to offset things. As it turns out, I still got 5 points for them. So I ended up getting 87. Considering that I did not have a chance to do the potato dices before, I don't think that's too bad. And even just doing it once today taught me some pointers which improved things. Also, except for the tourne I even made pretty good use of product, which is a good thing because on the final we are not given any room for error. All in all, I am encouraged. So far so good.


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